Parents around the world are reinventing education by opening their own Acton.

My name is Ed Hanko, and I am a dad of two children, husband to Heather, and founder of The Patuxent Program. I’m wondering if we have a few things in common? If you’re like me, you:

  • Experienced traditional or private schools, but still felt like there was more to education, community & collaboration for your children.  
  • Believe your children deserve a relevant education free of the outdated confines of the traditional school, including hours of homework and dozens of fill-in-the-blank tests.
  • Hope your child can learn real-world skills through hands-on projects.
  • Would love for your children to be in a small setting where they are known by name and surrounded by an environment of encouragement.
  • Desire your children to be in an environment where being kind, developing meaningful friendships and learning to be a person of integrity is deeply valued and celebrated. 
  • Want your children to find their life’s calling and be inspired to be world changers. 

Even though I never expected to take such an active role in my daughter’s education, it has been one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. I am very grateful that in 2018 I googled, “modern education for kids” which led me to open The Patuxent Program, An Acton Experience. 

If you are ready to reinvent education for your family and excited to be a part of something new, I encourage you to give me a call or schedule a program info session. I look forward to meeting your family and sharing our journey.

Our Promises To Your Child

They will:

Embracing rigor is part of saying ‘yes’ to a Hero’s Journey. Deep learning brings a special sense of joy, but the mastery required for a Hero’s Journey goes even further, requiring commitment, discipline and hard work towards a worthy goal.